For the procedure of issuing a work permit, it is necessary send an email to the Sector for Unemployment Insurance and Legal Affairs at the following address:
Information on employment, work and residence permits and reintegration programs to Serbia can be found on Migration Service Centres website or get in person at the MSC premises at 7 locations in Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad, Novi Pazar, Kraljevo, Kruševac and Bor.
Addresses and contact information of the migration service centers can be found on the National Employment Service website
You can get the assistance at 120 locations in the Republic of Serbia. The full list of the National Employment Service branch offices can be found on the official web site.
On top of that, there is a toll free phone number 0800 300-301 available 8.00 to 16.00, Monday to Friday.
The procedure of nostrification of diplomas is within the competence of the Qualifications Agency of the Republic of Serbia, More information can be found on the official website.
Please visit the Education section of the website to find more information for how and where you can nostrify diplomas.
In agreement with the National Employment Service, you will be informed about the possibilities for inclusion and programs of active employment policy, in accordance with the identified needs.
The information is available and regularly updated via the website, telephone contact with the employment counselor , call centre of the National Employment Service.
You can register for labour market officially at the National Employment Service is done in person, in the organisational units and branches of the National Employment Service based to the place of residence.
More about application procedures and documentation you can find on the official National Employment Service website